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Commercial and Industrial Roofing Brierly Hill, West Midlands
Commercial and Industrial Roofing - Asbestos Roofing Brierly Hill

6 Ways To Repair Asbestos Roofs

by Practical Roofing

1. Patch Roof Repair

In an emergency roof repair situation, there are many specialist coatings which can be applied while the roof is wet so there’s no need to wait for the rain to stop to prevent a leak.  Some of these coatings are available without fibres for ease of application, and with fibres to bridge visible cracks. For asbestos roofs, a primer may be needed before applying, as the surface is more fragile.

2. Crack Repair Tape

This is a fast but short-term solution for leaks caused by an obvious crack. Repair tapes differ though, many people use Flash Band, Aquaseal Hyband or similar products. You may be lucky and they will adhere but more likely it will be a temporary repair which will fail after a while.

3. Single Sheet Replacement

Single sheets can be replaced from the inside of the building, reducing cost to the building owner as there is no need to spend money on safety measures such as nets and harnesses. Working from the inside also ensures the safety of your workers and minimises the risks associated with working with a fragile roof.

You can also use GRP over sheet, which is using glass-reinforced plastic (fibreglass) and applying a coating from the outside of the building. With this system you have a replacement guaranteed to last at least 50 years without deterioration. The system is also completely waterproof so there is no need to waste further expense on treating it. 

4. Bolt hole Repairs

Bolt holes in your asbestos roof, having been exposed to the elements, will eventually deteriorate and enlarge. The washer will corrode also due to UV, rendering it ineffective. There are two ways to fix this; you can either replace the washer and bolt with a new one, or use flexible tape or a coating to repair. 

5. Refurbish with Fibroseal Coating

The Fibroseal system is specifically developed for asbestos roof repairs. It uses two components which when combined; encapsulate asbestos fibres, reducing the risk of fibres being released. Fibroseal will extend the life on your asbestos roof, whilst also making your deteriorating roof look much more attractive with its decorative finish.

6. Over Cladding

Another option for your asbestos roof repairs is to over clad it, meaning putting another roof on top of it, normally metal. This is a common technique to use and is the next best method, if you don’t want to use a coating. It also adds insulation to your building, reducing further costs for heating.